Who Says It’s Not Ladylike To Cuss?

“Fuck You!”

One of the most important self-preserving boundary establishing things I learned from my father is that, sometimes it’s necessary to meet people where they are. And some people will not understand you fully until you slap them with a few expletives!

I learned from Daddy that before I am anything, I am a wonderful human being amongst other human beings. Most are wonderful, but I will inevitably bump into some assholes and I need to be just as equipped to handle them as I am to handle the wonderful beings. In order to do that I have to have in my arsenal the tools that are effective against them, too!

You see, I’ve become good friends with some men because I had the balls to cuss them; to push them back – drawing hard fast lines – creating boundaries for how far they can go with me; earning their respect!

I’ve never had a man raise his hand to me (at least not my man – some lil’ bitch-ass I’d never have did once, but never a man of mine). An ex-husband did shove me once and then knowing that I was b-lining to my pistol (bought for me by my Daddy who also taught me to shoot it) he ran out of the house and stayed gone two days hoping I wasn’t still sitting in the “shoot” position. If I were too much of a lady to carry a pistol, I may have gotten my ass whipped that day, and then likely more days!

Being a lady is not about what words you use or don’t use – although most times it’s not necessary to cuss to get your point across, and some points aren’t worth cussing to make. It’s not about the clothes you wear or don’t wear. It’s not about the way you wear your hair, or the lack of hair you have. (High-five India Arie because, “I Am Not My Hair” hit the nail on the head.) Being a lady begins with respect for self and establishing boundaries – reinforcing those boundaries so that they are respected as you seek to live in harmony with others.

There are women who fuck anybody who asks, others who seek to fuck other people’s men – participating in PooNannie phoolery at its best; many are well covered in pink, adorned with ruffles and lace, in stilettos with all the finishing touches (mani/pedi) of a perceived lady and cuss words never part their lips.

There are others who quote bible scriptures as part of their regular conversation and speak death and destruction over those who oppose them, which to me is the epitome of cursing. However these same people will say it’s “ungodly” to cuss.

Don’t tell me that because I will tell you to go fuck yourself or to take a flying fuck at the moon or outright call you a motherfucker, when I deem it appropriate – meeting you where you are –  that I am not a lady. And if you do, then you can kiss my ass!


Here we grow…Grown IS Sexy! ;-)

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All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

Over-Saturated PooNannie Supply

Ladies, you’ve got to put on your big girl drawz for this one, but if you want a man worth having you’ll be glad you did.

Sexual responsibility can be equal, but as of right now it is not! There’s an over-saturation of PooNannie supply and women, it’s time to bring the balance, but you’ve got to embrace your part.

Here we grow…Grown IS Sexy! ;-)

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All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

Perverted Pulpit PooNannie Pushing Pimps

Effin’ Pulpit PooNannie Pushing Phoolery is what this is! This “man of the cloth” may as well get on the street and get him some whores!

The headline reads:  “Amen to that! Pastor puts stripper’s pole next to pulpit and urges congregation to have sex seven days a week”

Halfway through, I had to take a breather. It’s this kind of Pulpit PooNannie Pushing Phoolery that keeps women secondary in relationships…not AS important because this FOOL whom others are validating (by showing up) as a “man of the cloth” is equating intimacy and sex and to help make his point, he brings a pink stripper’s pole and other salacious props to the pulpit. He further insults the female intelligence (well, the thinking ones) by suggesting that a man satisfies our “cravings – (with) wine, rose petals and flowers” (you better raise the bar…if that’s all he had to do to hit it, you do need some critical thinking skills). What he’s showing is what’s worked for him, and he’s clearly not met a grown woman, or lack the capacity to recognize her.

Pastor's Pulpit Pink Pole PooNannie Phoolery!

Anybody decent has a natural desire to please, at least those closest to them. For a woman, her God and her man top that list. And if Christianity is her chosen philosophy to be governed by, the difference is sometimes blurred as she seeks to be “obedient” to him and his needs!

7-days of sex is all about the man’s satisfaction because if it were about hers, they wouldn’t need “the good pastor” to instruct them to have more – they already would be. The best relationships include sex, but are not BASED on sex and certainly not the quantity of sex. Intimacy and intercourse are not synonymous! This kind of religious blackmail gets my goat!

Ladies: NEXT Decision BETTER™ because it’s women who help to validate a penis-led mentality. If you’re worth more than a screw, stop permitting them to make that your primary value. A man who loves you for you will bend over backwards to make love to your heart and mind to the point that you’re so satisfied that you’ll never withhold sex from him and your relationship will be so multidimensional that sex is not at the forefront of his mind. Yeah,  that’s what I said…there are men who will want to do more with and for you than bend you over backwards when you, RAISE THE BAR! 

Shock value has its place, but the degradation/objectifying of women from the pulpit under the guise of holiness is foul…and you’re vile to do it Mike Scruggs (you won’t get no title out of me)! You’re still a penis-led boy. Grown men know that 7 days of sex won’t heal a marriage and wouldn’t dare compare who’s gettin’ more.

Grow up…Grown IS Sexy!😉

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NEXT Decision BETTER™,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

If It’s Real It’s Worth Waiting For

Do you know a drug addict – someone hooked on cocaine, meth, heroin? If you’ve known anybody addicted to any of these mind altering drugs then you know that the longer they’re addicted the more brash they get about getting it. From the first hit, all they know is that nothing has ever made them feel like that before and they look forward to the next hit. After a few hits, they begin to get single focused and soon nothing else matters. They want to live in that state of euphoria.

A Gift to Yourself

You may not have ever had a hit of cocaine, meth, or heroin, but if you’ve ever been in love you know that state of euphoria. Your first love interest took you somewhere you’d never been before and you liked it, a lot! For most, you long for it. For others, you want it bad but the pain of having loved and lost hurt so much you’re afraid to be that vulnerable again.

Many people make lifetime decisions in those moments of euphoria because they feel good, but it is not wise to be governed by them.

Intentional Personal Development

Just as you learn other skills, you’ve got to learn how and why you love. What kind of lover are you and what kind do you attract? Is that the kind you want, really? You’ve got to learn to strike balances in what you give and what you get, and it is your responsibility to do so. You deserve love, and you must be responsible for how you acquire it.

The cocaine, meth, and heroin addict is chasing a feeling that cannot be sustained. In the same way, those who fall in love are chasing a fantasy that cannot be sustained. Romantic love is not sustainable and until you’ve done the work of effectively understanding your individual lives and vigilantly co-mingling them your love is not real. It’s a fantasy that has not been tried so it can’t be true.

Sure, you can meet somebody and just on chemistry fall in love, and sex will intensify the attraction. But here’s the inevitable problem with that: that state of euphoria blinds you from seeing incompatibility and by the time you recognize it, if at all (since the relationship was built on emotions), it’s hard to then, objectively judge who’s before you; to see how they actually align with the desires you have for a relationship.

Know What You Want

Unless you know what you want in a relationship, how you want to be treated and what characteristics a suitor has to have in order to be considered compatible, you’ve not done your due diligence and can easily be blinded by chemistry and really confused after sex.

Bottom Line: If s/he’s “all that”, they’ll be that and then some after you’ve done your due-diligence. There are no short-cuts. Stop trying to rush love. True love unfolds, so let it percolate. Time is your friend.

Here we grow…Grown IS Sexy! 😉 Next Decision Better!

Share your knowledge…what was his (pseudo) name and what have you learned? your story could help shorten the learning curve of another, so testify! 🙂

If you enjoyed this, please share it with your Social Media friends.

All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

Cougar Foolery: Embrace the Grown Woman You Are

40 is the new 20, “they” say. I say (2) two 22’s ain’t got squat on me at 44! If you’re approaching 40 and intimidated because you think you’re losing something – stick with me, here!

While I was a rising star as a young woman with a bangin’ body (If I might say so myself, lol) – a force to reckon with, I wouldn’t trade who I am today, nor change EVEN ONE experience to go back there. I’m even over wishing I had my 22 year old bangin’ body. These voluptuous curves suit me and grown men love ’em!

You’ve got to get comfortable with your life – as it is! That includes every experience, with the body you have. You’ve got to learn how to fold it all in because it’s all purposeful. Otherwise, you’re robbing yourself of the life you’re intended to enjoy with your current realities. As my beau always says: where you’ve been is the floor, where you’re going is the ceiling and don’t ever confuse the two!

I understand that some of you had to grow up fast and feel you missed something, but there’s a way to be fulfilled at any age without retarding to activities of the youth. If that’s what you think you missed out on and now trying to recapture it, you can have fun without being foolish!

I even understand that growing older can be a weird experience with the body alone as it softens, droops, and the hair grays. And once that starts we soon learn that those are just the tip of the aging iceberg to the other things that we can not avoid: the internal stuff from menstruation to menopause and all their related natural functions and symptoms that make themselves known.

So, all you professed cougars: you can tuck, suck, stick, nip and dye but you can not stop NATURAL progression! It’s natural! And like everything else in life, the progression will be as kind to you as you are to it! And the PooNannie Phoolery…I’ll leave that for another day.

They DROOP and SAG too!

You don’t lose ANY thing as you grow older. You, actually GAIN! You gain more insight about this thing called life, if you’d only embrace every experience you’ll also see how you can use them – right where you are. At 40 you’re supposed to be able to look over the course of your life and see behaviors and attitudes that resemble a damn fool, otherwise, you’d still be one! And everybody plays the fool, sometime! It’s okay, and better that you do BEFORE 40!

By 40, you have wisdom! You may fail to honor it, but your life experience has shown you what works and what doesn’t. You may choose to ignore it and keep operating the same ways, but by 40 you KNOW that there’s a better way even if you haven’t figured out what it is or how to actualize it in your life.

Here’s the “how.”..just do it!

In most of us, there’s a switch that automatically clicks around forty. It’s like an adventurous license! Suddenly, you’re FREE! The things you used to fear, you aren’t scared of any more. The people we were taught to revere who hadn’t earned it, all of a sudden – they could kiss your happy ass! You’re doing YOU, and that’s more important than what they think about it. You’ve learned to accept who you are – good, bad, and ugly – yet embrace you!

Perspective IS everything and the only right perspective is that your life could NOT have gone any differently than it did and you are perfect as you are!

That doesn’t mean there’s no room for progress, but hell, that’s what life is – learn more and do better! Take care of yourself as best you can, accept all of you – and always making your NEXT Decision BETTER! That’s IT and that’s ALL!

For the ladies who are threatened by the 20 and 30 somethings because you believe men want eye-candy more than sense, YOU’RE RIGHT…because you believe it! But your thinking could not be more wrong and YOU ARE A MAGNET! You can only attract that which you’ve accepted as truth. But if you work on refining all that you are and embrace your value, you can also attract a man who values all of you!

I mean come on! Men have natural progressions TOO! Do you really want the man who wants a 20 something on his arm when we ALL KNOW that their natural progression is that eventually (and if you’re 40, that means now or really soon for him!) he’s not far from going graying or going bald, having love handles, stamina waning and needing Viagra!! He can have 10 twenty-year old lil’ hos on his side, he can’t fool mother nature!

Yep, I called ’em lil’ hos…because more often than not those relationships are about transactions!

Look, “that “man is sick in the head! He’s trying to recapture something. And I don’t want him! Neither will I have him. And I certainly won’t permit HIS choices to determine MY worth!

Look woman: you are beautiful and every scar, wrinkle, droop and gray hair is uniquely yours. Wear them like accessories and badges of honor because you’re still here and they represent your strength! You’ve fought the good fight and now, the world is your oyster. Sisters UNITE! Stop tearing each other down. We all have natural accessories that are uniquely us. Embrace your own and see the beauty they represent so we can, all, wear them comfortably because they look damn good on us. So let’s not dishonor them, by failing to wear them well.

If you happen to have a mutual attraction with a younger man, I’m not talking to you. You should enjoy each other, but if it’s what you seek…YOU KNOW!

I’ve never meant this more…Grown IS Sexy! 😉

If you enjoyed this, please share it with your Social Media friends.

All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

You ARE Fuquitable: A Constant of Life



IF YOU HAVE TO “PROTECT YOUR EARGATES FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SPI-RIT” (roll the tongue on “rit” “rrrr” spi-rit – there ya go!), DO. NOT. READ. THIS!!!

You Are Fuquitable!

I’m a bit of a jokester, and so it’s natural for me to seek “prey”. Jokesters NEED people to prank.  While pranks are not always appropriate, what I’m (totally subconsciously) looking for in every situation is somebody who’ll play with me should I need a release. I’m looking for somebody who’s fuquitable, and we are all fuquitable – somehow.

I can’t sit still for very long periods of time…well, I can but I don’t like to, and I’M NOT TAKING YOUR DRUGS SO FORGET ABOUT IT!! (I like me just the way I am, thank you.) So when I have to be still, I NEED something else to do; I need somebody who is fuquitable. 🙂

When I find those who are fuquitable (and I always do) they don’t know it yet, but they’ve been enrolled as my fun partners; my outlets; who I will exchange energy with to help me through that, otherwise, unbearable situation. Our exchange is often totally non-verbal, but we have FUN!  I choose them – they can’t choose me; only I know what’s going on. It’s MY AGENDA and only those who don’t have an agenda of their own fall prey. They don’t know that they are fuquitable, but I do. 🙂

FUQUITABLE: Spell it out phonetically with me.  Ready…”Fuk-wita-ble, fuc-wit-a-ble, fuck–wit-able”.  Okay, good!  That was the ebonics, pronunciation, 😉  I expect to see this in the Urban Dictionary, real soon!  🙂


The Harm in Being Fuquitable

Others might call the “fuquitable”, “easy”.  I (again, subconsciously) seek people who are subject to my “spell”; who have a predisposition for the entertainment (attention) I’ll give. They’re already primed. 😉


This example of what makes one fuquitable is harmless, but being fuquitable can be quite harmful.

Determining who IS fuquitable to my spell (or yours) totally depends on each person’s vulnerabilities; spells can only fall on the vulnerable – the “NEEDY. If somebody can determine your vulnerability, then for them, you are fuquitable; prey!

Need Validation? You’ll attract somebody who’ll fuquit you, in that way.

Need Attention? You’ll attract somebody who’ll fuquit you, in that way.

Need Companionship? …you’re fuquitable, in that way…

Need to Feel Desirable? You are sooooooooooo fuquitable…both figuratively and LITERALLY!

If “Fuk-wit-able” were possible as “standard English” it would be “Fuquithable”, thus “Fuck-with-able”. Do you know how you’re “fuck-withable”? What makes you vulnerable to be fucked with?

Although we are all fuquitable, we don’t all have the same vulnerabilities so we can’t all be fucked with in the same ways, and some ways are harmful; they can have damaging mental, physical and emotional ripple effects.

And women get tripped up with emotional needs all the time that make them fuquitable, literally! It’s okay, PooNannie Principles will help you with that. 😉

Choose Personal Growth

I enjoy looking back over my life because I see beauty in development, process and progress. I acknowledge choice as a privilege and therefore committed to my own personal growth and teaching others who recognize the value in growing because here’s the thing: You may not have the same vulnerabilities you once had and the beauty in personal growth is that you’ll likely not be vulnerable to the things you are now, someday.

But today, we are all vulnerable to something, which makes us all, Fuquitable…in one way, or another. The key is to know HOW you’re fuquitable and to equip yourself, continuously over time, to not be fucked with. Got it? 😉  We’re Growin’ UP, Grown IS Sexy! 😉

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All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

SEX and Your Children: What are YOU Doing?

If you’re over 35 you’re, likely, AS blown away as I am with teen sex today – not just that more of them are having sex (not all)  – regardless of how we feel about it I think most of us have come to grips with it as a fact, but I am so utterly shocked by the stories I hear about the frequency, with whom, and the scope of stuff their doing. For example: several years ago my niece (who was still in high school and a bit of a late bloomer) passed on going to a party and I asked why? She hesitated at first but then told me what kind of party is was – a Rainbow Party: where all the girls wear different colored lipstick, the boys line up and the girls take turns pleasuring them! I was SO BESIDE MYSELF!! I don’t think I slept a wink that night.

Message to the High School Ho
Remember the biggest Ho in your high school? Today she’d be considered a SAINT! If that was you, Honey, these kids have so OUT-HO’D you! I’m talking to degrees that are, again, mind blowing, so let it go, Girl! Next to them, you’ve got NOTHING to be ashamed of. Not only that, y’all know I’m from the school of – “we do what we know to do” and we all deserve room to grow even the kids today, so NEXT Decision BETTER.

Morals – Okay, Religion – NOT!

We can talk morals, which I believe people can have without religion (although many will argue that the lack of religion is why we have the lack of morals – I disagree), but since we’re not in a church I’d prefer it if, for this discussion, that we steer free from factoring in religious beliefs; which would only divide us and push us farther from solutions that we can all use.  Thank you, in advance!

Back to Our Teens
Are y’all talking WITH your children? “With” because it’s AS important for you to listen to what they are saying, to let them TEACH you about social acceptances in their world, hear their specific peer pressures and what they believe about all the information they get when they leave home and YES, what their sexual preferences are.

If you’re NOT talking WITH them about all of these things, then why are you not? If you are, what are you saying to them?  Moreover, what have you learned about them and their sexual perspectives – they’ve got them! I hear parents say, they’re waiting for their children to approach them because they don’t want to broach the subject too soon…tsk, tsk, tsk!

Straight, Gay, Bi, Pan (yep, that’s one now so keep up)
Y’all KNOW I’m all about living your truth, so if you’re gay LIVE IT, PROUDLY and you’ll find a lot of support to do just that! In fact, whatever you determine your truth to be, you’ll find support to live it – and I’m all about that! BUT, I believe young people are such sponges that they need wisdom to help shape their decisions…not to decide for them, but to be amongst what they consider as they are determining what their truth is. Yes, some of your children are gay and your traditional ideology will be challenged so you need to know how to effectively approach, embrace, and navigate life WITH THEM.

STD Rate Skyrocketing: Shit Pills Don’t Cure!
Y’all to put it plainly…when people in my generation were growing up we’d just go get a pill or a shot to cure the sexually transmitted diseases we contracted, (Oh, you didn’t…well welcome to the real world – some of us did and just because you didn’t, didn’t mean you weren’t doing the same things, you just didn’t get caught in this way. Don’t make me dig UNTIL I find some shit on you!) but now-a-days with the many strands of the same diseases it’s getting more difficult to cure them and there’s some shit that a pill just can’t cure and your children are contracting them at greater rates. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS?!?!

HIV is the scariest, no doubt, although no longer necessarily a death sentence – herpes, which gets far less attention IS A LIFE SENTENCE; it’s rampant and shows up regularly and for many it is mental and emotional torment! For those infected, it doesn’t matter how it was contracted – it’s a regular reminder of sexual carelessness; their own, or worse, the ones they thought they could trust to tell the truth about their sexual activities and past, but did not! These kinds of challenges have proven too much for adults to handle, how much more tormenting for a child?

“Pleasure-Seeking” Promiscuity
From the stories I’m hearing the biggest issue is PROMISCUITY and its ripple effects. Y’all, THIS anything – anybody “pleasure-seeking” promiscuity teens are engaging in today is SCARY – I mean off the charts and the STD rates support it! Again, y’all KNOW I’m all about living your truth, so this is not a bash on same-sex, sex. If you’re gay LIVE IT, PROUDLY!

The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul. ~William B. Yeats

Teaching Adults
As a Personal Growth speaker and trainer I take issues most of us deal with and give universal principles that help people make better decisions so that they can rid themselves of what I call, MFRs (the notions of Mistakes, Failures, and Regrets…none of which I give credence).  Here’s what I’m sure about, many parents avoid the issue of sex because it reminds them of how they’ve handled it and they feel shame, embarrassment or like hypocrites talking to their children, or for many just don’t know how.

OUCH!! It’s a reality for many, but parents have to come from a more empowered place; taking ownership of their lives regardless of past experiences and develop mental and emotional tools that aid them to make better decision as they foster the journey of self development and self leadership. This falls in that category.

We grow in 3 ways: Physically, Mentally and Emotionally (Spiritually). The only one that’s optional is Emotional – Personal Growth – AND it’s the only one that’s going to get up to the point of shifting this course!

Concern/Question from a Young Woman
Before writing this blog, I posted a concern on the Grown IS Sexy! Facebook page and a precious young woman, I met while presenting at the Schomburg Center in Harlem earlier this year expressed concerns about whether adults were willing to hear, moreover willing to do the work to positively impact what’s really going on. Well, I’m asking you, adults – particularly parents of young children – what can you do, what do you think others should be doing, how can we all play a part in changing the course of our children, finally, what are you willing to do? How young does this sex thing have to get?

Watch this video…I think it’s criminal!

Can somebody say “PooNannie Principle Intervention”?!  This child is having sex with her clothes on and don’t even know it! What’s worse is that she learned this from adults (likely her Momma!) Oh, you don’t think it could ever be your child, PooNannie Popping? Really! Maybe not in your presence, but if you’ve got BET and they’re with children everyday at school who CAN PooNannie Pop, Oh YES IT CAN!

In many cases those little people outside of your house will have more influence than you do as a parent! This is NOT everybody else’s problem; it’s yours too! Now what are you prepared to do about it? How far is too far? Am I trying to provoke you, ABSOLUTELY!

So, talk to me, please! And with all due respect…again, in my opinion, this is NOT ABOUT RELIGION so please refrain.

Here we GROW again…Grown IS Sexy! 😉

Doing IT Better with ZARA! NEXT Decision…BETTER than your LAST !

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All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

Your Life is a Big Lie!

THE World, not YOUR world

The next time something in YOUR world has you feeling overwhelmed, before it becomes all-consuming remind yourself that there are over 6.5 billion people who share THE world with you.

There’s a world of happenings going on – actions, reactions, developments, causes, effects – a lot of interrelated activities with the ability and likelihood to change your circumstance at any moment; to affect YOUR world.

This interactivity affects every single person – some so small that it’s unnoticeable and others so large that it’s catastrophic.  That means that there are over 6.5 billion different interpretations of what is real in every moment.  When an interpretation of what is real in YOUR world has you feeling overwhelmed, and then all-consumed, you’ve likely misinterpreted.

What happens in life is not personal. Life is a continuation of interrelated activities.  How the continuation of life plays out is not just about what is happening in YOUR world; your world is not the end-all so don’t take it personally.

Hurricane Katrina was not out to get me. She did not decide to target New Orleans because I was there and to ruin all of MY belongings. My 2nd ex-husband didn’t decide that he’d come see just how much more miserable he could make me than my 1st husband had; they weren’t in cahoots to make it hard for me to trust another man or believe that I could never have a healthy lasting relationship.

I could choose to believe those things, but it wouldn’t be true.

How YOUR world is affected in THE world of interrelated activities will depend on you; your will, your expectations, your attitude, your resilience, your universal consciousness…YOUR INTERPRETATION; what you choose to believe about it.

So, okay, your life isn’t really a lie, but you can’t take things that happen in YOUR world personally; like God (or the devil), the Universe and people are out to get you. Life is an adventurous journey that is as good to you as you are to it.

I believe that life is supposed to be enjoyed and however I need to interpret every scenario to make it as fun as possible, I do; that’s my responsibility and my choice. 🙂

We’re Growin’ UP…Grown IS Sexy! 😉

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All the best,
Speaker, Individuality Advocate
Author of Living by Design and Living in Harmony

Giving Alternatives to Your Mate

Are You Listening?

“If you don’t, then I will” or “You do this or else” are often a tactics used to get what we want, but it’s not a good one because in the end we don’t get to control people with threats…not without consequences.  To even be to the point of having to give an alternative is an indicator of other issues.

In an episode of the sitcom “Seinfeld”, Jerry is dating a woman who doesn’t like that he and his posse are greeting each other using a particular voice, and saying just one word…”Hello”.

She has her reasons for why that bothers her and told Jerry to choose between which was more important to him, saying “Hello” or being with her.

After giving it some thought and some time passed. Jerry went to her apartment, knocked on the door and when she answered the door, he answered her – with a smile and in that voice, “Hello!”

Okay so that was a little humor, but how should you handle a situation that you don’t like?

First, be open to the possibility that the issue is with you and be willing to use the opportunity to grow.  Then, have a non-accusatory discussion with the person.  If, after, re-evaluating your perspective you are still uncomfortable with the situation, then you simply express your desire.

This will be met with compliance, or not.  If compliance, you get to continue as you were.  If not, you get to decide a course of action that will make you more comfortable.

People teach you who they are; what they want – by what they do.  You can’t force ANYTHING.  Even if you think you are for a while, you’re just setting yourself up for a delayed and bigger disappointment.

We’re Growin’ UP…Grown IS Sexy! 😉

Doing IT Better with ZARA! NEXT Decision…BETTER than your LAST !

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What is Your Worth?

Many would say that a person is worthy because he/she is; just being makes one worthy.

I will dare offer this position…isn’t it the individual who determines his/her own worth?

What is worth?

Irrespective of financial wealth, worth is value, meaning, significance, goodness, importance, usefulness; it’s a quality that renders something desirable, deserving of or merited. This is, solely, YOUR responsibility.  How others treat you does and will depend on what you bring; the difference you make; what distinguishes you from the pack – and LADIES: PLEASE REMOVE POONANNIE PUSHING AND TRICKS FROM THIS EQUATION BECAUSE THE ONLY THING YOU’LL GET IS SCREWED.

Who are you?

While I agree that every person is entitled to “worthiness”, it is the individual who decides, determines and does the mental and emotional work to be worthy. What you’ve done doesn’t determine your worth…who you are, determines your worth – that is what’s consistent and will prevail.


Parents and others can and should set the course for worthiness, but qualities that command honor, esteem and respect exude from the individual who knows their own worth.  While no person is any better than another, may I propose that a person’s worth is what he/she believes it is? And it’s evidenced by the Honor, Esteem and Respect they get.

Ladies, who desire H.E.R.

Consider how you treat the PooNannie because it is how most men will treat you.  Honor, Esteem, and Respect must begin with you: If you don’t H.E.R., her don’t expect him to H.E.R., you.

Strooooooooong Medicine, I know but it’s good for ya – now swallow it! We’re Growin’ Up! Grown IS Sexy! 😉

Doing IT Better with ZARA! NEXT Decision…BETTER than your LAST !

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